Updating our Family Blog
Life has been quite busy for our family and I am sure it has been for your life too. I have been taking lots of pictures but haven't uploaded them onto the computer until now:). I love blogging and when I keep up with the posts it's also wonderful. When I don't I wish I had so here are pictures of Andrew the past 2 months. I will post again with more pictures of the girls so that I can get caught up on my blogging.
10 months old
He used to sleep on his back but when I have gone in to check on him he has moves to his tummy and he seems pretty comfy.

I was going to get Andrew's jammies and when I came back I found Brookie reading Andrew a book. It was so cute and such a sweet sister.

He looks like he's really into the book:)

Andrew started standing at 10 months on his own and has taken a few steps. It's so cute and whenever he stands we clap and he gets really excited.

Andrew loves to climb into the dishwasher. These pajamas make he think of Where's Waldo lol. After I took the picture I realized he had a knife in his hand. Of course he didn't grab the spoon but the knife.

Joshua has a 2 seater car and Andrew wanted to
sit in it and he fell asleep.

He can fall asleep anywhere. I love it!!!!

He loves to play with bikes and spin the wheels.

Mariyah is such a big help with Andrew

I love how sweet she is to him.

The weather was so beautiful and Joshua and Andrew were outside
and I love the way he's siting.

Joshua goes riding and Andrew is in his glory with all the motorcycles.

Taking a nap with dad

He loves action figures already

I thought he was going to take a nap but I found him playing:)

9 months old
His sister's gave him licorice and boy did he love it.

Andrew was eating and he fell asleep while he was eating

I love his cute smile

Andrew LOVES his dad's dirt bike. Every time he see's it he makes sounds like a motorcycle and when he's on it hes' all SMILES and doesn't want to get off:):).

He loves to play outside and get wet.

His friend Jayda came to play:). She's 3 weeks older