Friday, January 11, 2008

Macayos! yummy!
Our family went to Macayo's and it was so much fun to be together as family and of course we had a great time eating Mexican food. Not to mention the fact that you all know that I LOVE chips and salsa...these aren't quite like Chevys chips, but they were still good:)

4 Generation Picture

This is my sister Sara and her son is the little boy in the pictures.. Carter. My sister has always had such natural beauty.


Always Smiling said...

Macyo's is definatly my favorite Mexican resturant. That is were the Nelson family always goes out to eat when we go. Except now we have 9 grandkids with two more on the way so it is really hard to all go anywhere together now.

Jamie & Johnny said...

I love chip and salsa too, Macayo's is yummy. Looks like you guys had fun.

The Welker Family said...

I love Mariyah's outfit and cute bow. Looks like a blast! I'm surprised that these pictures weren't taken at the Olsen family restaurant (Chevy's).

Carol said...

is anything as good as chevy's chips - i dont think so :)