Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jeepers Jeepers
This is an indoor fun place for kids. The girls had so much fun riding the merry go round, the train, the airplane ride and the huge play area. Mariyah LOVED going on the roller coaster and Brooklyn loved the Monkey barrel. They have this awesome slide that you can see in the picture of the girls. It's a really fun place and what's nice is now that it's getting warmer outdoors it's a great place to play indoors. What cracked me up was that they have a monkey on the back of the train and it looks a like it needs a bra....sorry but really was it necessary to put this monkey on the back of a train ride for kids...look at the picture and you decide.


Brenda said...

That looks like so much fun! I need to take my kids. If only things could be free. Thanks for you comment about Tyler's winnings. We love the Cat in the Hat and yes mom he is at home having cake!=)

Pearce Fam said...

fun! Alexa is still asleep, she really was wasted!

Ballard said...

So wheres the next place do we get to go?