Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st Day of 1st Grade

Mariyah loves school and was so excited to get back to school today. I was really excited too lol. My mom and I were talking and she said really there are 2 Mother's Day. One when it's actually Mother's Day and then when your children go back to school. I had a great laugh:). Mariyah was so amazing this morning. She went to bed really late and had no problem getting ready for school. We were the 1st ones in the classroom today and she was so excited because her best friend Kaylee is in her class. Kaylee and Mariyah have been friends since they were babies.

Mariyah ready for school:)

Her Best friend Kaylee and Ry are in the same class:)

I love this picture of the girls when they were 2 years old

1st Day of 1st Grade

Mariyah loves school and was so excited to get back to school today. I was really excited too lol. My mom and I were talking and she said really there are 2 Mother's Day. One when it's actually Mother's Day and then when your children go back to school. I had a great laugh:). Mariyah was so amazing this morning. She went to bed really late and had no problem getting ready for school. Wer were the 1st ones in the classroom today and she was so excited because her best friend Kaylee is in her class. Kaylee and Mariyah have been friends since they were babies.


Christina MC said...

love the pics of Ry with K (old and new). How nice to grow up with friends

Carol said...

ok i like her way of thinking...2 mothers days - thats awesome - i like it!