Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dang those Mosquitoes!!!!!!
Look what this mosquito did to Brooklyn! Whenever Brooklyn gets bit by a mosquito she swells up and it is really sad how much it affects her body. On Sunday night we were at my parents house and the kids were in the backyard playing. Later on that evening I looked at her and noticed she had a mosquito bite on her face above her. Well the next morning this is what her eye looked like! I was like oh my gosh is she ok! I called the doctor and he said to give her benadryl and put cream on the bite. They said that if the swelling didn't go down with in 24hrs to bring her in. Thank goodness it all worked out and her eye is looking better already. She was totally herself the whole time and on occasion would point to her eye and say eye owie and that was it. Brooklyn is such a sweet girl.


Kimberly said...

Crazy! What a funny place to get a bite. Was she itching it at all? Mosquito bites are so uncomfortable anywhere, but the eyelid/brow seems way worst. I love the pics of Mariyah going to school. So grown up!

Carol said...

oh man her poor eye - that looks painful. i should take a picture of elias and show you his, its crazy.

mickelsenfamily said...

Poor Kid! Sorry to hear that. Now that I have finally caught up on you blog...I can't believe M is starting kindergarten!!! That is nuts! So, you think we can get together when my mom and I come down??? It is offical! We are going to be there October 20-25. Will you e-mail me your phone number and address so I can get in touch with with. I'd love to see you. My e-mail is:

mickelsenfamily said...

PS: I meant to say "in touch with you" Ok...I also want to thank you for remembering my birthday. That was nice of you to wish me a happy one on my blog. Thanks!

Ashley Dent said...

Oh my gosh Amy! K this is so weird and funny at the same time, but when I saw that picture it totally reminded me of...ME! Yeah, when I was little, probably a little older than Brooklyn, for some reason those dang mosquitos would eat me alive and one would always get a good taste of my eyelid and it would swell just like that! Ahhh! It is no fun! She is so sweet though...well, is she!? :) HA!

Amber Omer said...

Poor kiddo! My sister had reactions to mosquitos like this. :(